Our Mission

SEC Mission
SEC Mission

Enable sustainable urbanization via the Smart City pillars for connected, green and liveable cities.

SmartEcoCity is an advisor, consultancy and accelerator East-West. We promote the move to Smart Eco-Cities and contribute to our Partners business success through advocacy and action.

  • Visibility, insight, market study and campaigns: Coordinated, joined-voices initiatives to help organizations understand that Smart Cities or Eco-Cities represent a path to a better future. These campaigns include workshops, awards, events, publishing and research.
  • Financing and case studies: Guidance for Smart City project, SME, start-up financing models, some of which combine public, privateĀ  and development banks resources.
  • Networking events: Invitation-only events where executives can learn directly from some of the world’s top experts in the many disciplines to be Smart City, Eco-City ready.
  • Smart Eco-City Index (SECI): Inhouse high-level models and metrics against which cities measure their progress. Our Smart Eco-City Index (SECI) shows how a city is ranking according to specific metrics and on what a city should focus on first.

Logo Talk: Sustainable urban initiatives through the “3 E’s”:

    1. Equity – urban ecosystem for all
    2. Environmental protection – quality of life
    3. Economic development – planning